
The very basics of Christianity is that God is good, but man is sinful. Jesus died for our sins such that we can have the grace of God. If we confess that Jesus is Lord, reject sin in our lives, and are baptized then we are saved.

Of course to confess Jesus is Lord, you should know about him. He is good. He is life, truth, and the way to live. He loves you and is compassionate to your needs. He is truly an amazing being that you should read about in the New Testament.

You should be(in no particular order):

Self controlled

You should not be:

Hating on your fellow man.
Hating on good
Disobedient to your parents
Swollen with pride
        God likes us to pray to him. It is best to pray for the benefit of others, but you can pray for things for yourself if it helps further the Kingdom of God. Even if you don't have anything to request of God, it is good to talk to God. Scripture says God listens to the prayer of a good man, but ignores the prayers of evil men. Even though God has infinite blessings for us in Heaven, and he has a multitude of blessings ready for us on Earth, we should not seek God for what he'll give us, but for who he is. God is good, love, light, and he defeats evil. We should be happy to hold the lowest place on Earth and in Heaven if that is where God wants us. If we can accept and love God for who he is, and not for what he can give us, then this is the path of worship. How would you think you'd make God feel if you said you worshiped him, but your heart was really on the blessings he'd bestow upon you? It is easy to see that isn't worship at all, but something akin to begging.
        Trust me, God doesn't disappoint. God does reward. Writing this website is a source of joy for me. People think the Bible is boring, and if you don't know how to read it, maybe you're right. A correct understanding of the Bible and a proper relationship with God is rewarding in many senses. God looks out for you, and wants you to prosper. I've had a lot of different experiences of happiness and pleasure in this world, but none can compare to how I feel right now as I write this. God let me know he is blessing me, and I feel euphoric. I'm not discounting the joy one gets from being in the Lord's service and helping people, but I'm feeling extremely good right now. As I said in the previous paragraph: If you seek God for his rewards, you aren't truly worshiping him. But if you can grasp the worship of God for his goodness and love without expecting anything in return then you'll likely be blessed and rewarded.
        I want to get this website done. I think I will be happy in a sense of accomplishment when I finish this website because I feel that I am bringing to light core fundamentals about understanding the Bible. My life is in dedication to God. I want to do everything in my life that I can to serve God and to help everyone I can at least lead a basic life. There is no way I can change the world on my own, and it isn't even my cause that I'm championing. It is the cause of Jesus. Everyone should carry their cross and do their best to worship God and help their fellow man. I think a lot of people don't understand life. Jesus is life. Abandoning sin and serving Jesus is the way of life. I'm not sure if everyone is like me, but if I'm not serving Jesus or working then I can fall into sin easier. There is nothing more fulfilling than leading your entire life in servitude. You don't do it for a chance to boast because the only thing we can boast about is God. We serve because it helps our fellow man, and that is a big part of loving one another.
        Many places in the Bible it says that what we are told about Jesus we're supposed to shout from the housetops about. We're supposed to act in the light because we're children of the light. As we grow, we spread light more and more. The darkness tries to hide and keep secrets. God is light, and light reveals things. As I said in the previous paragraph: I want this website done because I feel it will be a beacon of light itself. If anyone asks me for guidance on the Bible, I should be able to just point them to this website. If someone wants to know my beliefs, they can read this website. I'm sticking with scripture and not traveling into the realm of speculation. After all, God directed me to the Good News Bible so I use it as a core belief system. All I want to do is guide other people to the Bible too, but I also think that the Bible could use some pointers on helping people understand its text.
        In addition to being light for some, I want this article to inspire a real spirit of charity and evangelism. Remember that if you do your giving so you gain a reputation that you already have your reward. Anonymous charity is the way to go(if you can), and God will reward you (not necessarily money). Evangelism is something that should be spread with enthusiasm. There are many evangelism routes and styles. As you mature in the faith, you'll likely invent your own. Then you'll be spreading the light and good works as God wants you to.

1 John 2:6"whoever says that he remains in union with God should live just as Jesus Christ did."

1 Peter 4:8 "Above everything, love one another earnestly, because love covers over many sins."

1 Peter 16:17 "Live as free people; do not, however, use your freedom to cover up any evil, but live as God's slaves. Respect everyone, love your fellow believers, honor God, and respect the Emperor."

1 Peter 13 "For the sake of the Lord submit yourselves to every human authority: to the Emperor, who is the supreme authority, and to the governors, who have been appointed by him to punish the evildoers and to praise those who do good."

1 John 3:18 "My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action."

Romans 12:1 "So then, my brothers, because of God's great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him."

Romans 13:1 "Everyone must obey state authorities, because no authority exists without God's permission, and the existing authorities have been put there by God."

This is interesting because the one thing you'd disobey is if the state would tell you to worship a false god. The USA has separation of church and state. Some Christians would think it is nice if Christianity was the official religion, but then whose version of Christianity would we follow? It is possible that the USA standard version of Christianity would be unacceptable to some or even all people.

-Jim Sager III

(ALL Bible quotes from Good News Bible.)
