8:14 PM 6/4/03

I had issues with my previous webspace, so I had to copy everything down manually, relink, and repost. Of course the second I got everything up again and working, the website I was using crashed, so I spent another few hours to move to geocities.

Now that I'm back up I've made some progress. I need to learn 3d programming really well to do the AI, so I've been working on CrystalSpace for the last few months. I'm working on a computer game. I'm pretty solid in my game making, so I may make some good cash off it. Mainly its helping understand the 3d concepts I need to make the step into scientific modeling. Both money and better understanding of 3d are two things I can use to be closer to AI.

Another perspective: The reality of the situation of course is that I likely won't be the one who makes AI. As I mentioned before: 3d cards are the one key to AI that wasn't available until just recently. Fortunately video game money goes to the company that makes the best 3d game that pushes the limits, and money goes to the best 3d card manufacturer that can create a better card. Even though they may not realize it, video game players, developers, and video card designers are conspiring to make AI closer to reality. On a more general note: its obvious that as computers get better, AI is closer to a reality.

Theres really not much else goin on... Except maybe the genetic algorithm's crowd is getting loud. I wish em luck. I don't understand genetic algorithm's, but I understand the concept of modeling a real brain as it occurs in nature is a possible route AI can go. I do understand how to create an artificial brain that uses physics/wisdom to understand its current situation, and assess possible outcomes. So I'll keep working my direction, they'll keep working mine. Hopefully both crowds will positively reinforce each other. At the very least, excitement should be building.