11:46 AM 3/27/02 Just got done uploading content/taking a break. I will now sit down and think of what next technique I'll employ.
Ok, I think I have a neet technique... Technique's 1 and 2 were mainly noise reduction, but also helped average out the colors... Technique 3 will take a leap forward into grouping colors in the image
Technique 3, I was originally going to apply a mask, and look for colors that were close together... Then reduce to one of those colors... But the problem was I couldn't figure which one to reduce to, because it would effect pixels along the way... Instead what I am doing is rounding every color to the nearest 20....
The RGB used to have a range from 0-255.
Now it will have a range of:
I know this technique isn't grouping similar colors together... I'll do that in technique #4, this is just setting standardization of colors for where they step to. LEFT: My starting image will be the 10x use of technique #1
RIGHT: Technique #3's stepping algorithm.

12:22 PM 3/28/02 Looks like predator vision :) You can clearly see that there are huge clumped areas of the same color. I bet technique 4 is going to rule. 1